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Design Behind a Ten Thousand Year Clock
Danny Hillis, a pioneer in super computing, shifted from high-speed tech to contemplating time on a larger scale. He initiated the Clock of the Long Now project, to build a clock that will last 10,000 years, to challenge how we think about our relationship with time.... posted on Apr 27 2024, 1,087 reads


Luminous Darkness: A Journey Through Suffering
Mystic-poet Lucy Grace shares her profound insights around human suffering and its transformative potential. Recalling a pivotal insight at school, the day after a frightening encounter with a gang at the age of eight, she describes, "I looked at my thumb and I said to myself, 'Lucy, don't worry, it's really hard now, but this thumb is part of your future. This thumb exists on the adult that you a... posted on Apr 26 2024, 3,393 reads


World’s Largest Musical Instrument is Hiding in this Cave
A father-son trip turns out to be the beginning of a 3 year journey into inventing the world's largest percussion instrument spanning 3.5 acres across a cave, Luray Caverns, in Virgnia, U.S. In 1954, mathematician and electronics scientist Leland Sprinkle invented the Great Stalacpipe Organ. The mesmerising otherworldly sound created by the mallets striking against the perfectly tuned stalactites ... posted on Apr 25 2024, 4,331 reads


The Inner Sense Driving Your Thoughts
While hiking and allowing his mind to wander, Alex Messenger suddenly started to notice his body. "My breath quickened, my eyes widened, my pulse doubled immediately, my airways opened." It took some time for his conscious brain to catch up in time to see a 600 pound bear that "swatted him to the ground with a blinding blow to the head." Alex survived and, looking back, wondered how his body knew ... posted on Apr 23 2024, 1,718 reads


The 'Bad Weather' Friend
In an era dominated by individualism and self-interest, one retiree emerges as a beacon of community-centric spirit in Fort Worth, Texas. When Apryl Goodwin, 46, was diagnosed with uterine cancer, she found herself in a tight predicament: "I had no transportation and I didn't know what to do." In parallel, retiree Lyn Story, 64, had free time on her hands. When she read about Goodwin's situation o... posted on Apr 22 2024, 1,427 reads


Dancing with the Enemy
"I wonder if you all will find the courage to step out onto the dance floor and to dance with those who are our enemies," says Rev. Chaz Howard, as he invites us to look beyond our differences and tap into a space of being human. A soulful presence, the youngest ever chaplain of an Ivy League university narrates the heart-warming experience of his students from different religious settings coming ... posted on Apr 21 2024, 2,877 reads


How to Avoid Reaching a Boiling Point
Robert Glazer describes a failure to communicate clear and precise ground rules and boundaries up front around a shared backyard. Fear of confrontation as time went on prevented him from seizing opportunities to clarify intentions and social norms. Consequently, a seemingly simple situation turned into an awkward eruption and ended the possibility of friendship. He cautions that “addressing ... posted on Apr 19 2024, 2,759 reads


Be-The-Change Corporations
Jay Coen Gilbert explores leadership questions of the heart during his address at Gandhi 3.0 in January 2024, sharing his own story about the friction he experienced when he found himself “tethered and constrained” to “somebody else’s dharma” and how that led to exploration with like-minded leaders. Gilbert confronts the systemic beliefs prevalent today including a &l... posted on Apr 16 2024, 1,774 reads


Madhu Anziani: Healing Power of Sound
"Losing all of the basic functions of being a human being was the greatest teacher," says Madhu Anziani. "It was an opportunity to go fully into the teachings I had received around energy, sound, and vibration." At 23, a serious accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, incontinet, and unable to breathe on his own. Left to face the flurry of emotions in his mind, the musician was forced to d... posted on Apr 15 2024, 1,784 reads


Rethinking Identity, Embracing Destiny
Have you ever felt exhausted by your own identity? Is it even necessary? In a compelling dialogue with Zhenevere Sophia Dao, Alnoor Ladha from Culture Hack Labs discusses how identity can be overrated, and often distracts from truly belonging to life. According to Dao, identity can even be a replacement for genuine belonging. She offers a compelling argument against giving too much power to identi... posted on Apr 14 2024, 1,417 reads


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Creativity is intelligence having fun.
Albert Einstein

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